Collier County is set to begin sand restoration tomorrow morning at North Beach in the area of Marker 36 Restaurant. Heavy equipment is expected to arrive between 7:00am and 8:00am.
This project is a part of Collier County’s annual renourishment program to renourish eroded areas to a width of 100 feet from the R markers seaward. In some cases, advanced renourishment beyond 100 feet is carried out to offset anticipated future erosion. Sand requirements for the restoration are determined by coastal surveys carried out early each calendar year. As indicated, the current problem area in Pelican Bay is from R34.5 to R36.5, where erosion has reduced the surveyed width to 80 to 90 feet. To restore that section to approximately 100 feet would require an estimated 9,000 to 10,000 cubic yards of sand.
Due to the current narrow width of the beach, along with the transport of sand by dump trucks and grading equipment, the Foundation will be closing beach access beginning Friday, December 2 through Sunday, December 4. The County is hopeful that the project could progress rapidly and be completed sooner.
It is important to note that trams to Marker 36 restaurant will remain in place and restaurant operations will continue through the duration of this weekend.
The Foundation will provide an update if beach operations will be re-established before Monday, December 5 via e-blast, digital reader boards and Pelican Bay app.